Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs
Journal Publications
H-L. Chiang, W. Rave, T. Kadur and G. Fettweis, "Hybrid Beamforming Based on Implicit Channel State Information for Millimeter Wave Links", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
D. Camps-Mur et al., "5G-XHaul: A Novel Wireless-Optical SDN Transport Network to Support Joint 5G Backhaul and Fronthaul Services," IEEE Communications Magazine.
M. Goodarzi, V. Sark, N. Maletic, J. Gutiérrez and E. Grass, “Next-cell Prediction Based on Cell Sequence History and Intra-cell Trajectory”, 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2019), February 18-21 2019, Paris, France.
I. Mesogiti, E. Theodoropoulou, K. Filis, G. Lyberopoulos, Anna Tzanakaki, R. Cantó Palancar, N.A. Serrano, D. Camps-Mur, J. Gutiérrez, “Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources”, accepted for IEEE CAMAD, “5G Wireless and Optical Technologies for Mobile Communication System” Workshop, 17-19 September 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
D. Ibarra, N. Desai, I. Demirkol, "Software-based Implementation of LTE/Wi-Fi Aggregation and Its Impact on Higher Layer Protocols," IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 2018.
J. Gamboa, I. Demirkol, "Softwarized LTE Self-Backhauling Solution and Its Evaluation," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2018, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
V. Kalokidou, A. Doufexi and M. Beach, "Blind Interference Alignment in multi-cell mmWave access and fronthaul", accepted for publication at IEEE VTC (Fall), Chicago 2018.
AF. Beldachi, EH. Salas, A. Tzanakaki, Y. Yan, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, 2018, ‘Experimental Demonstration of 5G Fronthaul and Backhaul Convergence based on FPGA-based Active Optical Transport’. in: 44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2018).
N. Maletic, V. Sark, J. Gutiérrez and E. Grass, "Device Localization using mmWave Ranging with Sub-6-assisted Angle of Arrival Estimation", IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2018, Valencia, Spain.
P. Legg and R. McConnell, "Meshed Backhauling of Small Cells Using IEEE802.11ad at 60GHz", European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2018).
J. Zou, A. Magee, M. Eiselt, A. Straw, T. Edwards, P. Wright, and A. Lord, "Demonstration of X-Haul Architecture for 5G over Converged SDN Fiber Network," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper W2A.29.
A. Malik et al., "Autonomous Edge Resource Organization with Smallcell Integration in 5G", accepted to ICC 2018.
V. Sark, N. Maletic, J. Gutiérrez and E. Grass, "An Approach for Implementation of Ranging and Positioning Methods on a Software Defined Radio", 14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC), 2017.