Technische Universität Dresden

Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems

Prof. Gerhard Fettweis

Helmholtzstrasse 10

01069 Dresden


Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of eleven German universities that were identified by the German government as an ‘University of Excellence’. TUD has about 37.000 students and almost 4.400 employees, 520 professors among them, and, thus, is the largest university in Saxony, today. TU Dresden is strong in research, offering first-rate programmes with an overwhelming diversity, with close ties to culture, industry and society. As a modern full-status university with 14 departments it offers a wide academic range. Furthermore, TUD is the only university in East Germany which has been granted a graduate school and a cluster of excellence in Germany’s excellence initiative.

The Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems (TUD-MCS) was founded in September 1994 by an endowment of the Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany. In the last 20 years more than 60 Ph.D. graduated successfully at the chair. During this time chair members published more than 700 research papers and filed more than 85 patent applications. The current focus of the chair lies on the physical layer systems research, with a special emphasis on wireless radio network problems (capacity and resource efficiency), wireless modems (mobile terminals and base stations), and IC implementation architectures.