Fundacio Privada I2cat, Internet I Innovacio Digital A Catalunya

Ubiquitous Internet Technologies Unit

Dr. Daniel Camps Mur

Calle Gran Capita 2-4

08034 barcelona


i2CAT is a non-profit technology centre located in Barcelona that promotes R+D+i activities in the field of Information and Communication Technologies and Future Internet. The centre invests in a new model of innovation based on collaboration among private companies, public administration, the academic world and end-users, through an open innovation environment that is characteristic of the Internet culture. The strategic goals of i2CAT are:

  • To integrate research and innovation,
  • to foster co-creation in a quadruple helix model (university, company, public administration and users),
  • to develop activities within an international and local framework, and
  • to provide networking and multimedia infrastructures and advanced experimental platforms.

Role in the project

In 5G-XHaul i2CAT will act as Technical Coordinator and WP3 leader. In addition, i2CAT will contribute to the design of a scalable and cognitive control plane to manage and orchestrate wireless and optical network elements. I2CAT will also contribute to the design of wireless backhauling solutions operating below 6 GHz, which will be tightly integrated with the 5G-XHaul mm-Wave wireless backhaul elements.